Thursday, March 2

Feel Good Story

There are some people that actually don't like my blog. Some people have made the statement that it's "vulgar". Personally, I don't know what the fuck they're talking about, but maybe they'll read this and get a warm fuzzy.

So, the Mole doesn't usually celebrate the "feel good story". That can be saved for the drones that watch that media whore Oprah. However, I'm going to make an exception here for what some have said is the only part of my life that doesn't fit "me"; NASCAR. Clicking here will take you to an article about Elliott Sadler; the driver of the #38 M&M sponsored Ford Fusion and his buddies. It's the story about how he flew some buddies out to Vegas to hang out with him while his team was testing for the race that will be held there next week. Well, they hit the jack-pot on a slot machine to the tune of $100,000, and a Care-Bear rode in on a Unicorn and gave them their winnings in cute little solid gold butterflies.

I hate feel good stories.

The thing I do find humorous is how that scene must have played out. You see, Sadler has a very thick accent. Honestly I'd compare him to Brad Pitt's Pikey character in Snatch. His thick Virginia drawl gets so bad that when he does television interviews I swear that, for some people, the networks should put up subtitles. So just imagine 4 of his buddies from back home. 4 guys that probably haven’t been to classes on how to speak to the media (like Sadler). It must have been a whirl-wind of rubber boots, overalls, and backy spit. I'm sure that the only reason they weren't shot by hotel security is because they probably all had handle-bar mustaches and weren't wearing robes. Aside from that, the nearest pit boss would have been diving for cover thinking some fanatical Muslims were about to start shooting up the joint Jihad style.

Anyway, enough of that, have you seen the Bounce-O-Meter?

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