Wednesday, March 29

People This Fat........*sigh*

This article makes me sick

For those of you not willing to click the above link, an ambulance company that services the Las Vegas area in Nevada has purchased a quarter of a million dollar ambulance to handle patients weighing more than 500 pounds. The article goes on to state that their crews have been called on 75 times in the past six months to handle morbidly obese patients.

Pay attention, there is a reason why these people are labeled "MORBIDLY OBESE".

This money would be better spent researching Charles Darwin's theory of Natural Selection. Why do they get the fancy new ambulance? They obviously don't care enough about themselves to try and stop shoving entire 12-inch hoagies down their throats in one bite.

The Operation manager at American Medical Response (ambulance company) even states that these people are difficult to handle, and are unsafe for paramedics, emergency medical technicians, and themselves. They're a menace to society! He also states that their job is to get the patient where they need to go in a dignified manner. This entire statement makes absolutely no sense. The 750lbs piggy that is mentioned left dignity oh about 400 or so pounds ago, and that's only if they were at one time a professional football player for sumo wrestler.

I'm going for a bike ride. I need to clear my head.

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