Thursday, August 31

What's A Good Reason To Visit Your Parents?

Why, to watch TO ruin the team of my youth thanks in High Definition. From here on out, you can catch me, and probably P, at my parents on Sunday afternoons. P and my mother will probably sleeping while Dad and I will be dog cussing Jerry Jones and the Cowboys for signing Hitler to a multi-year deal, and all in glorious HD on a 52in plasma.

Eff you Jerry Jones! Hugs and kisses Dish Network........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm really late reading this (did you know if you mistype this, you spell shit! just found that our right now!)

anyways i feel your pain... the boys are now tainted. could you really taint a drug using, dui arresting, wife beating team... well apparently you can get worse. and they did.