Wednesday, June 28

Jesus Died, So That A Little Girl Who's Parents Died Could Find Their True Love After Forwarding A Picture Of The Texas Flag Flying Higher Than The US

Update: The link to the Obama stuff is here, also I want to make it known, that I support and will vote for John McCain, I'm recycling this post because I'm fucking sick and tired of the retards spreading ignorant "Red Scare" type propaganda. If you have to look up Red Scare, and or you continue to forward this garbage and believe it without research; then you should probably stay away from the poles in November anyway. Having people like you vote on the future of our country is why we're so beloved around the world in the first place.

Ok, just a little rant here:
  1. Forwards are fucking stupid: I really don't give a shit about some little kid with cancer of the rectal wart who needs an $11.73 donation so that they can get the curing miracle milk suckled directly from a goat that lives in a Tibetan monastery which is infected with syphilis.
  2. I don't give a flying fuck what you ate for lunch, if you're in love, what's in your CD player, and where your first kiss was. I especially want to shit on your chest if you tell me in a forward or a myspace bulletin every other day.
  3. Blog is defined here, anything that resembles '1' and '2' don't belong in one.
Also, for all of you Ringer extras out there that are fooled by anything. Before you click forward on that e-mail, check this website out Don't look stupid to your friends.

One last thing, I love Texas, I honestly think we should leave the union. However, we are a member state in the United States of America and our state flag can't be flown higher than the national one. Here is a link to the flag code. Here is a link to flag code of Texas, and here is a link at snoops that debunks it as well.

Thanks for you time, and don't be a fucking retard.



Paulo said...

Goddamn right.

Thanks for giving me something funny to read. I've been clicking 'next blog' for an hour. All the ones I can read have no content, just the shit you're talking about.

Mole said...

Always here to help!