Friday, August 17

Happy Birthday Daisy Duke!

The Mole is a dog guy, and at the Mole Hole, P and I have two and half dogs. The Mole has a Boxer named Daisy Duke, and a Blue Heeler named Ashley (Ash). P also has a rat (that we call a dog) named Tula. She supposedly is a cross between a Poodle and Pekingese, but the Mole just thinks it's a large rodent.

Anyway, Daisy is a sweet grrr, and a good grrr, and she's turning 5, so I've ordered her a new chew toy. I hope she has it forever and it's as hard to destroy as his genital warts.


Nathan M. Oxley said...

My Ron Mexico "Name Generator" name is Duff Tokelau...

Mole said...

I got Jean-Claude Tuvalu, take that!