Monday, November 13

Quick Hitters

Since I have lost all self respect, I now bowl in a league. I started about 6 weeks ago, and I'm on the cusp of completing all 3 goals I set for myself for the season.
  1. Bowl 200 game - incomplete with a high game of 198

  2. Have a 150 average - incomplete with an average of 147

  3. Bowl a 500 series -complete, through 3 games last night I scored a 520

Looks like that before year end I may have to reevaluate my goals. I'll probably hit my average goal next Sunday night, and I've been playing in the 190s with one game each Sunday, so it's only a matter of time.

Also, I'd like state that I'm openly rooting for Rutgers to play in the BS BCS Championship. I think the only way we'll ever see a playoff is for a school that plays a non-conference schedule of teams that resemble the team who won my high school's district championship make it in.

It's funny that now the computers have Rutgers so high with their zero loss record that they're sitting in sixth. Please God please PLEASE make this happen.

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