Thursday, October 16

Times They Be A Changin'

No, this is not a political entry. Politics are sports for dorks, and if you call yourself a Democrat or a Republican you've simply bought into the prepackaged drivel that the media outlets spew, not to mention the lies of spam that keep filling the Mole's fucking inbox. Here's a tip, if it's related to how fucking stupid Sarah Palin is, or how fucking Muslim Barak Obama is, then Mole don't give two shits about it. He would rather watch bloody midget porn than read what you fucking sheep keep sending along. Also check snopes before you forward. With as much of this bullshit the Mole keeps getting it really makes me think that anyone who believes any of it should be banned for life from voting. There isn't a dime's worth of difference between either of them. Both parties, and their candidates are made of people that are independently wealthy, that's why they don't have to work a job like you and the Mole. That's why they can afford to campaign, and in the end they're just going to look after their rich friends. Middle America is going to get a tax cut? Big fucking deal! The taxes the rich will have to incur will be visited back onto us in the goods their companies sell to us. With Bush out, the war will end, right? Keep believing that you fucking tree hugger, and by the way your plug in car will coming soon as well. Trust me, the Mole works in the defense industry, war is never over. The Mole's advice is to get out and vote for the person you think is going to help you provide for you and yours the best. All this idealistic garbage is just that.

To the real issue, the Mole is going to be a daddy........................................................

That's right, a baby, and the due date is December 2nd. The Mole hasn't written about it because he didn't want to jinx things, but as it turns out it wouldn't have mattered in the end, more on that later. So we found back in March, and the summer has been great. P's health has been great, and were able to get the nursery up and running. New paint, closest doors, furniture, drapes, fan, the whole nine yards. However, about 4 weeks ago it all took a bit of a turn. Prior to the pregnancy P had some minor blood pressure issues, and through two/thirds of all this everything seemed fine. However, the bp has been climbing and P has been on bed rest. we're nearly to 36 of the 40 weeks, and it looks like we're going to try to and hold out until the 38th week to deliver. It's some scary stuff, and the last few weeks have been like hell. New doors have been opening to the DI level in the old softball career, the 9-5 gig is still going strong, and yet even with all that, the wife and the baby are consuming my life. Chances are everything will be fine but the reality of it all is that her life and his life are on the line.

His name will be, Stone Douglas. That's right, The Mole will be grooming a new degenerate bitches!

So that's the reason my blogs are so few and far between this past year. After my grandfather's passing last December, and the marital struggles of the best of the Mole's friend's, along with the new addition coming soon times are truly changing. The old mind has been cluttered and I really haven't spent much time being inspired to write anything. I'm sure though that documenting my change from general drunken asshole to general drunken asshole of a dad will be a path we can all travel together in the blog. So anyway, if you pray, pray. If you pour some out for your homies, get to pouring. The next few weeks are going to be trying, but soon the Mole will be up to elbows in dirty diapers, and piss stained shirts from the boy's hog.

Speaking of that! The day we had our second sonogram and they were able to determine the sex of the boy, Co-Ray's wife was with us. You may remember her from the River Trip '08. She didn't speak muc,h but at the moment the tech got down to see what the kid was going to be Co-Ray's wife said, and I quote, "OH MY GOD, THAT'S PRETTY OBVIOUS!". Co-Ray's wife works as a nurse in the neonatal unit and Baylor medical center. She's good with the kids and stuff and being a 30 year old woman, the size of my boy's hog made her scream. I'm sure there will be plenty of times the kid will make the old man proud, but that was the first and I'll never forget it. 3 lbs. 80zs, 3 pounds of which are hog........
