Tuesday, May 20

He's Going Top Rope!!!!!!

So, just an update from a previous post, the Communist is going to float the Guadelupe River this weekend dressed as the Gay Dingo Warrior. The Mole recieved an e-mail confirmation today that his search for a bananna hammok has ended. He simply sent an e-mail with the following:

Communist: It's done. This is the best I could find it's pink and purple.

"Look, you don't understand. There was shrinkage."

Thursday, May 8


Being a non-practicing Catholic the Mole hasn't been to confession in quite sometime. He hasn't humbled himself in front of another man by speaking of all the seedy things he's been involved with over the past 10 or so years, and he generally hasn't felt the need to....until recently. So he leaves it you, judge the Mole if you must! But know, he is indeed sorry, and will come clean right here, in this very blog entry. The Mole's been dabbling................innnnnnnnnnnnnnn............Hippie.

God Damn Hippies

Yes, the Mole hates hippies and everything they are. He hates their music, their smell, their forest fire starting in Arizona, their Birkenstocks, and their love of all things regarding hair. Just the thought of walking down an Austin street between the hours of 12AM to 12AM chills the very soul of the Mole thinking of the dreadlocks, incense, and hemp clothing that can be witnessed, it's almost too much.

It's funny. The Mole can look back on a life of achievement, on challenges met, coaches bested, obstacles overcome. He's accomplished more than most men, and without the use of hippie. What. . . What makes a man? Is it. . . is it, being prepared to do the right thing? Whatever the price? Isn't that what makes a man? And as The Moles writes this, tears are literally welling up, does that surprise you? Well people, strong men also cry. . . strong men also cry.

So the Mole must confess, the past 3 Thursdays, a buddy has been coming over. This buddy has been quoted before in the blog, but never aliased, until now, Dance Party. Dance Party came to light in two different posts, but will always be memorable from the Austin Trip '07 when he coined the phrase, "would you pee in her butt?". It's a general recognition of how hot a girl is; used in a sentence:
Mole: Did you see that chick?! Damn, she's hot!
Dance Party: Would you pee in her butt?!
Mole: Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........
Anyway, Dance Party has been coming by on Thursday nights and we've been doing some heavy drinking, and playing the guitar. A lot of you would think, two guys, sitting around, drinking, writing songs like "Puttin' Pop Rocks In Yer Hot Box", that's just what guys who have past or are on the cusp of 30 should do. That's nothing strange, right?!


One word, a word that sears your mind......bongos. We've been using bongos, and Dance Party is pretty damn good at it too! But Bongos........it's a slippery slope we tread.

Speaking of tread, the Mole has also put his IRS stimulus check to use. Most of you are thinking, a nice bottle of 6 month old Cutty Sark, right? "The Mole probably spent it in Asian massage parlors", that's what most of you are saying. But, this is what the money was spent on. That's right, hippie shoes, and not just any old sandle, but one for the active hippie. You see, hippies are branching out. They're literally being run out of town, so they need a comfortable pair of shoes to do this kind of running in, and the Mole has a pair.

P is disgusted, she hates the shoes, and thinks The Mole a total dork for wearing them, but he doesn't care!!!!!! If loving toe shoes is wrong, The Mole don't wanna be right!!!!!!!!