Friday, April 4

Y'all Ain't Never Got Two Things That Match!!!!!!!!!

"Either y'all got Kool-aid, no sugar. Peanut butter, no jelly. Ham, no burger. Daaamn."

Smokey's got it right. Sometimes you just can't get it together. However, since The Mole needs to make up for His April Fools post (using lol, Christy, roflmao, blatent contradiction from paragraph to paragraph, plus liking a shitty movie over one of the greatest ever put on celluloid) and here it is.

There are few ways the Mole likes on his burger, and cheddar cheese with bacon will make that shit right. Vicent Vega has the right attitude towards pork unlike Jules Winnfield, and God bless this woman for making the most out of some prime slices of pig. The Mole now links to, THE BACON BRA. This is the only side item for a burger the Mole can endorse besides cheesy fries.

Tuesday, April 1

Across The Universe - A Movie Review

So, Christy and I watched a movie last night, and I can't believe how fabulous it was. Now with my constant travel and all, I can't usually be around; but at least we got to spend some quality time together. What we watched was a movie I bought her for Valentines day called Across The Universe. It basically tells the story of a guy named Jude, who travels to America to find his father. While there, he falls in love with his buddy's sister named Lucy.

The best thing about this movie is how historically accurate it's portrail of the Vietnam War era was. There were times when I literally felt like a part of this movie, like my heart was connected on some higher, visceral level. It was intense. The fact that they used Beatles songs throughout to movie to carry the script and expand on each of the environments drew me in to this film even further. The most bestest thing about this movie is how they tied the names of the characters to actual Beatles' songs. Jude, was named after the Beatles's song, "Hey Jude", Lucy from "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and Prudence from the song "Dear Prudence". It was like every turn this movie took, it got more clever and more clever.

There where things about this movie as well though that were questionable/objectionable. For one, the drug use in this movie may have been a little over done. I mean, my dad told me that everyone smoked a little weed back in the 60s and 70s, but he said drugs didn't really get bad until the 80s. I think they may have needed a better fact checker, or you know opened a history book at some pointing during the writing process, idk. Also, the use of female nudity was really over done, and I think I'll leave it at that. Sex wasn't as free then as it is now, and for the producers and directors to pervert such an innocent time in our history was kinda tasteless and classess, but guys, lol, like boobies, roflmao.

I think all in all I'd recommend this movie if for nothing else than the spectacular story. The charater development, and their music driven lives made me laugh, kept me on the edge of my seat, and made me cry a little. It was really really nice, and I thought was up there and better than No Country For Old Men. I mean who liked that movie? The ending was sucked and didn't make any sense.