Wednesday, May 10

Kayne West Doesn't Care About Leasing Agents

You know, when you have platinum album sales, Pamela Anderson to primp for videos, and trying the spearhead riotous comments about George Bush and his efforts to help those effected by Hurricane Katrina; sometimes you'll forget to make payments on your Mercedes G500 (G5-double-O, G-Fi Hun-nod as the rap guys would say).

So, the people who hold the lease are suing ole Kayne Wizzle for back payments, punitive damages, not returning the vehicle, blah, blah, blah.

Kayne West doesn't care about people who have real jobs......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would watch what you say about Kanye West. He is going to be as big as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus someday. If Kanye West did live in Bible times, I am pretty sure he would have started a rival movement against Christ. claiming: "I'm pissed, I suffered died and was buried more than jesus. Why wasn't I risen?-- GOD hates black people!!"